Saturday, September 29, 2018

PLEASE DISCERN FOR YOURSELF. God does not force or coerce anyone to do anything due to the free will given to spiritual beings on Earth. God of Light's Chosen Nation on Earth is a cosmic classroom among many hundreds of thousands in this galaxy and universes

According to Commander Hatonn (who works directly under Sananda, the One we call Jesus / Esu / Jmmanuel),  the United States of America is God's chosen nation and not israel (check out Revelation 2:9  <== King James Version  I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.  

See the 1,000 year war between the dark forces (satanic khazars) and the christians (Light Forces / Russians) info - - see later on this page.  That's why the dems (khazars) in Washington attacked Trump with the "russian" dossier (fake one)... more info below:

As a christian country, we have churches and believe in Jesus.  God did promise the WORD would be here for all to study and it has been here for a few decades already ( <== Click link for more info on the WORD)

From link above p.1:

"I Am!  I AM the LAW, the TRUTH, and the WORD. I AM THE SOURCE from which all things emanate. I have sent My “Heavenly” Hosts to give Truth to you of the planet Earth (called Shan) and I have sent the WORD in that Mine reflections—YOU—may know that the hour has come for thy choosings."

In the link below, you will learn about how the WORD gets to the people of this planet, why it is here, God's mission with it, etc...  FYI, the dark forces leader forgot God is in the equation of their WAR against the christians around this planet; the WORD from God keeps us informed and helps us with guidance to survive through these end times...

The United States of America is God's chosen nation as documented in Contact papers... Please see below:

"As you come to the “finish line” of the close of the cycles, you can count on your adversary (Satan—let’s call it what it is) to come at you with all that is at his disposal. If you are not picking up flak and enemy fire, then you are not on target.


The focus is on you, my brethren. The israelites (small “i”) are you, and your nation is chosen of God to be the lamp and way-shower unto a weary planet on the edge of self destruction. Freedom will come through you ones of America, or your world will not have freedom.

God helped you write the Constitution of your Republic, so you should have known that Satan and his Khazars would come and take it away. Who do you think is removing all your Christian Crosses from CHRISTIAN CEMETARIES AS WELL AS OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LANDS? You are not up against some shyster or cheap hood; you are dealing with the masters of deceit of the universe. They know how to manipulate, chelas, and you have fallen for every trick up to now. You think there is no way out, but keep in mind that with God there always is a way out. It takes ones realizing that in order to turn your world around. There are less than five percent of Satan’s forces and ninety five percent of you. IN AMERICA THAT NINETY FIVE PERCENT CAN VOTE—GET THE WORD OUT!

You are not alone in your struggle; there are a great many ones who are exactly like you." 


"So it is you, America The Beautiful, who is destined to stop the Anti-God/Anti-Christ ZIONISTS. That is why God decreed that SPACE COMMAND guide and stand with the United States as THE chosen nation of God. “Israel” (which is an illegal occupation of Palestine) IS NOT God’s chosen anything! “Israel” is Lucifer’s spot to place his false Jews (Revelation 3:9; 2:9), from which location will ignite the final war that will end the planet. Do you see why the Bible you clutch so tightly is THE TOOL they use against you? They “revised” and removed portions (“books”) from it to set the stage for today. BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN THAT WAY!"


===> These end times have to do with the WAR for our SOULS !!!

Either you are with God (of Light) aka Light Forces or you are with the dark side aka dark satanic / luciferian forces ==> no more sitting one the fence !!!

Do you happen to know that some forces in our galaxy came and destroyed dark forces' reptilian bases around this planet?  See more

info in link below:


Israel is the anti-christ / anti-God (aka the New Khazaria)
    A paragraph from the following link:

"KEEP IN MIND: ISRAEL IS THE ANTI-GOD/ANTI-CHRIST! The Zionist affiliated, so-called “Jews”, are the Anti-God/Anti-Christ element of your world TODAY. They have been known by lots of other names—most you will recognize from your Holy Bible as the ones “against whom God has indignation forever”. But the ones in Israel now, who are calling themselves “Jews” (false Hebrew Judaists)—“who are not”—representative of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Khazar-lineaged comrades, are the ones pushing for a Nuclear World War. "

More on israel being the anti-God / anti-Christ - - synagogue of satan per Revelations 2:9  (Cont'd)
""Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer
... - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".
Harold Rosenthal was supposedly murdered for giving this interview in 1976 during which he boasted about how a group of Jews are manipulating the stupid and gullible Goyim.
This interview clearly reiterates "the program" of the "Protocols of Zion", and, since it was tape recorded, it becomes an undeniable evidence of not only this truly satanic conspiracy, but the Protocols themselves.

Robert Steele interviews Kerry Cassidy regarding the Secret Space Program.
At about 42'20" on, one can hear that some of the illuminati members want to come back to the Light but can not due to being blackmailed...


According to google search for ashkenazi jews in israel:

How many Ashkenazi Jews are in Israel?
They number 2.8 million (full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish descent) and constitute one of the largest Jewish ethnic divisions in Israel, in line with Mizrahi Jews and Sephardi Jews.

Where do they come from:
Strikingly, regardless of the place of origin, Ashkenazi Jews can be grouped in the same genetic cohort – that is, regardless of whether an Ashkenazi Jew's ancestors came from PolandRussiaHungaryLithuania, or any other place with a historical Jewish population, they belong to the same ethnic group.

And how about their descendants:
In the genealogies of the Hebrew Bible, Ashkenaz (Hebrew: אַשְׁכְּנַז 'Aškănaz) was a descendant of Noah. He was the first son of Gomer and brother of Riphath and Togarmah (Genesis 10:3, 1 Chronicles 1:6), with Gomer being the grandson of Noah through Japheth.

Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews are in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine


FYI...  the United States has been used by the dark satanic forces to achieve their goals (material wealth while killing lots of spiritual beings of this planet and trap their souls in the astral plane = = >  killing for profit = GOD - Gold Oil Drugs <=click !!!)   They made us fight their over 900 year war against the "Christian Russians" and somehow we fell into this trap without knowing it... 

James Traficant was our national hero who exposed the USA Corporation !!!!

Excellent info that the US (slaves to these anti-christ parasitic criminals) has been used by these crooks to fight the 1,000 year enemy:  "the Christian Russians" !!!  What a way to exploit their HOST !!!
From link below:

" This entire area that used to be Khazaria is loaded with oil and natural gas and these Khazarian Jews have had an axe to grind with Russia for over 1,000 years. 
 Getting the picture, folks? Can these Zionist Khazarian Jews do it alone? NO!  They absolutely have to have the muscle of the United States to pursue these stupid, petty, long-since-dead illusions of grandeur and empire."

More on this 1,000 year war between the khazars (aka soviets, bolsheviks, anti-christ...) and the christian russians:

From link below:

"From the link below:
"This is it, dear ones, the clash of the titans—Russia and the Khazars have been fighting each other bitterly for more than 900 YEARS!  All world conflicts, since then, have been these two trying to destroy each other—the citizens of the planet do not know that they—YOU—are the expendable pawns in all this!  The Christian Russians [Rus means “Blonds”] versus the satanic Khazars [Who are the southern Russia “cousins” of the Rus.  Remember, “Soviets” versus Russians?] "

We have to do our best to get rid of them because in the past, they got kicked out from more than 100 countries:
List of countries where these parasite anti-christ  fake imposter jews "khazarian mafia" got kicked out:

==>  All responsible US citizens should study all this (& more on their own) and know the truth.  We all have been lied to too much already and we have to stand united with Love (love our country, love the freedom we have, love one another so the country can prosper - - instead of being used for the gain of the usurpers !!!) and reclaim our nation from the nazi satanic worshippers who control our country.  Recently, we have to acknowledge and thank all those courageous people who speak out / expose this dark satanic force so all can wake up and benefit from the truth.  Our domestic enemy has been called the "khazarian mafia", mishpucka, deep state, shadow government, anti-christ criminals, anti-christ khazars,  etc...  what we have learned more recently through this exposure include "pedophiles, cannibalism, children trafficking, drug trafficking, clinton foundation, satanic rituals by our criminal leaders, etc..."

Great review info about the United States became a "corporation":

More of the same info as above link:


===>  All of the above info is also at: 

USA is a british owned corporation:


  1. Another major problem is that the KJV of the Bible contains over 27,000 translation errors. Whether those errors are deliberate or not is unknown but there are several dedicated Christians who have done their best to provide accurate translation to show the lies that the churches are spreading.

    This one backs the fact that jews are NOT who they claim to be. As well, it explains the origin of the negro which is NOT from the lineage of man!

    This one explains in depth why the negro is NOT of Adam or the seedline of Abraham -

    GOD warned us of mixing with the beasts (behemah), that it is an adulteration of the pure seedline and an abomination to him. The push to make the negro equal to man, to push race mixing, and to put them in authority over man are all designed to destroy GOD's true people, the Abrahamic seedline!

  2. earth is flat with a dome firmament over us......nasa is as real as cartoons. same with fake x jaxz etc.
